Monday, December 3, 2012

8 DIY Gifts of Hanukkah (or Christmas)

Hanukkah starts on December 8th, I am not Jewish myself, but this doesn't excuse me from using another holiday to share winter ideas to all!!! :)


These gifts are great, easy DIYs for the winter season, so let's dive in...

  1.  The Picture Frame.  It doesn't matter if you have a picture of you with the recipient or the recipient's family... or no picture at all, you can make any picture frame special for a gift.  You can put a picture inside or a phrase or saying or something that reminds you of the recipient. Walmart even prints photos on canvases for you! Some great examples:
This one shows you how to stencil frames out, so you can create your own stencil idea and follow this blog's instructions

   2.   Fudge. 'nuff said. Here are some wintery recipes (I've looked them over & they seem simple
   4.   Cute Candles.  I've seen so many different ways online to make candles look extra-pretty, so 
         why not use one of these fun, cheap, easy ideas for a GIFT!?!
         Some great ideas I've found & their sites:

   5.   A Cute Gift Basket.  Not just one of those plain ones from your local WalMart, but a thoughtful 
         one based on your friends' interests.
  • Movie Basket-- put in a popcorn tub or a plant pot painted red & white striped like a popcorn tub
    • Movie tickets & a gift card to the concession stand
    • Microwave popcorn, 2 DVDs, 1Liter of Soda, & 2 boxes of candy
  • Music Basket-- 
    • iTunes gift card, cheap or expensive headphones, CDs, iPod shuffle...
  • Date Night Basket-- put it in a vase, football helmet, or themed bucket/basket!
    • Movie tickets, Restaurant Gift Cards, Certificate for 1 dozen roses
    • Non-perishable ingredients & recipe for a gourmet meal
    • Tickets to a play, Restaurant gift card
    • Tickets to a sporting event, concession stand gift card
  • Coffee/Tea Basket-- put in a coffee mug
    • Starbucks gift card, coffee beans/tea bags, sugar, creamer, Keurig cups, scones, muffins...
  • Griller's Gift Basket-- put in a beer bin
    • seasoning, bastes
    • dried meats
    • spatula
    • sauces
  • Alcoholic Gift Basket
    • 6-pack of beer/malt liquor, peanuts, red solo cups
    • bottle of liquor & shot glasses, mixers, cigars
    • wine bottles & wine glasses, cheese & crackers
    • Liquor samples
   6.   A Look Forward to Warmer Weather.  If your recipient loves warm weather!
         a Beach towel, sunscreen, flipflops, fruit basket, potted plant, 

   7.   Photo Album.  Shutterfly helps you make them & prints them out for you; Make some of your
         own via scrapbooking...

   8.   Drinking Glasses UpCycle. Once again, plenty of DIY crafts online for updo'ing those glasses.
         So why not give 'em as gifts!?
         My favorites:

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