Friday, August 24, 2012

Quick Snackings

3 Ideas:
1 for the health nut.
1 for the sweet tooth.
1 for the foodie.

All pretty healthy in reality :)

For the Health Nut:
Upgraded Yogurt!

1/4-cup fat free yogurt (vanilla, greek, or plain)
1-Nature Valley granola bar (a plain flavor: no cheating with chocolate or sugary fruit pieces!!)
optional- 1/8-cup Fruit! I recommend strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries

1 disgusting cup of healthy plain yogurt is 20x more delicious to add some also healthy granola! 
Super quick, super healthy!!

and now...

For the Sweet Tooth:
Dessert dip, confetti-cake style!!
Do you love cake batter? I DO! Here's a quick, healthier (ok so it won't kill you with the raw eggs...) way to eat it up.
This is great for a sweet personal snack, OR a party dip :D

1 package cake mix: confetti cake, white cake, or funfetti cake works fine.
2-cup yogurt (plain or vanilla)
1-cup whipped cream

I prefer to make a more personal, weekly batch with: 
1/2-pkg Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix
1-cup Dannon fat free vanilla yogurt
1/2-cup Cool Whip Lite

Mix all ingredients together.
Seriously, that is it.
The dip is best if you let it refrigerate for a few hours, but it is ready to serve as soon as there is no powdery substance.  Delicious to eat with graham crackers, shortbread cookies, or animal crackers!!

and finally...

For the Foodie:

Avocado Grilled Cheese. YUM.

Yield: 2 sandwiches
1/4-cup crumbled bleu cheese
2-slices swiss cheese
4-slices whole wheat bread

On medium-high heat (8 of 10), toast 1 slice of bread with 1 slice of swiss cheese atop & 1 slice of bread with bleu cheese atop. When toasted & cheese melted, place 1/4 avocado (in slices) between bread slices. Warm on low heat (2-3 of 10).
Enjoy 2 easy sandwiches :D

Happy Snacking!! :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Delicious Side to Healthy

Just a quick note on my rejuvenation/health journey...

Some great quick foods are found via Lean Cuisine in your grocer's frozen food aisle, such as:
This delicious Butternut Squash Ravioli w/ Steamed veggies.
Eat the veggies first, reward yourself next with the delicious pasta :)

Seriously, this is one of the best dishes I've ever tried.

I also happened upon a VERY cheap, VERY delicious energy/health drink this week at Kroger.
For 50¢ per drink, you can get one of these:
These are quite delicious & have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee!
Only 50 calories & plenty of fruits & vegetables blended up within.
This stuff is plain delicious & a great alternative to sugary energy drinks and teeth-staining coffee AND is 100% healthy!!

Looking for a delicious & healthy meal? The above 1 choices can get anyone through the day :)

Be Healthy, Be Happy!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Getting Healthy Week 1

Going to Schlitterbahn tomorrow... yay bikinis...

So for the past week or so I've amped up my workout routine & tried to eat better. Today though starts a for-sure eating better routine!

Some of my exercises are a little lazy thanks to my weak knees, so this is doable for anyone! :)

YOGA! Oh I do love, thee
I do the following DAILY (as daily as possible)
I do rows 1, 2, 4, & 5 for 30sec each, EVERY DAY
Don't strain yourself, of course.
Additionally I do 30 seconds with the following poses:

  1. Half Moon Pose on each side (Stand straight up with legs shoulder-width apart, lift both arms straight above your head, bend slightly to the side from your hips. Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides.)
  2. Tree Pose on each leg (Stand straight with legs together, place one heel on inner thigh of other leg, lift arms straight above you & balance. Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides.)
  3. Sun Salutation (Stand straight with feet shoulder-width or a tad farther apart. Stand on toes, lift arms straight above your head, lean slightly back & hold for 3 seconds. Bend over at waist & touch toes. Hold for 3 seconds. Bend knees and lit arms above head. Hold for 3 seconds. That's ONE rep. Do TEN.)
  4. Standing Knee (Stand on one leg while holding other leg perpendicular just under the knee. Count out 5 seconds, then pull knee into your body for another 5 seconds. Alternate for a total of 30 seconds, then switch legs.) 
  5. Superwoman/Plank lift (Lie flat on your tummy, body straight. Pull your arms behind you, just under your butt, hold hands together and lift. Hold for 5 seconds then relax for 5 seconds. That's 1, do 6 reps
Of these I only do the middle 2 exercises.
3 sets per leg, EVERY DAY
Set feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointed outward. Clinch butt inward and lower without letting knees go in front of your toes. Do 20 reps then pulse on rep 21 for 20 seconds.
I do these EVERY DAY

Get in this position, then push left leg back into lunge. Come back to squat. Push right leg back into lunge. Come back to squat. Do 10 on each leg every other day.

Explosive lunges (jump in the air between lunges to get to next leg's lunge). Alternate legs. 10 per leg, every other day.

Stand toes forward with right foot atop a roller towel (on tile) or a hard book (on carpet). Bend left knee   while pushing right leg out to side & turning foot (you should look like the picture above). Hold for 3 seconds. That's ONE rep. Do 10 then switch sides.
I do these every other day.

Finally, every day I follow this plan to tighten my body:

If I find myself watching a ton of tv on a lazy weekend, I use the following website:
I do 1 exercise slide (starting w/ slide 3). Start a timer for 5 minutes, then do the next slide. It's a great way to watch a tv show or movie & still workout!!

I should lose weight on this plan, right??

Getting Healthy

Summer bikini season is both good and horrifying for body image because you're constantly comparing your body to everyone else's.

It's hard to get in shape & look great when you're on pinterest & see all of the scrumdiddlyumptious desserts & pastas.

My newest kick is an attempt to get in better shape AND still eat some of the foods I love.
The journey starts here & I will make weekly entries updating my image and some examples of foods I ate while sharing pictures, thoughts, etc.

THIS BLOG WILL STILL HAVE THE USUAL ENTRIES, this is just a mini-blog inside my blog!

First off: I will be eating healthier. Less fast food, more fruit & veggies. I already cook at home whenever possible, but now I'll throw in only healthy snacks.

Secondly: More exercising, less sitting around. Thanks to grad school enclosing me to 1 building, I won't be walking around campus as much as I used to & I am getting older... SO I need to get my blood flowing on my own.

Third: Eating happy. Good food makes me happy, so this is NOT a diet. This is me eating healthy & eating happy. I will NOT remove sugar from my menu. I like chocolate & it makes me happy!

Finally: Stress less. As a 21-year-old female I like a 40-year-old mom. I will learn to stress less in my life over things I cannot control. I will learn I do NOT have to be a perfectionist with my school work, but rather I can do well and learn much while spreading my time in a healthy manner.

This is my game plan, help me stick to it.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment! :)

Happy Healthy, Blogosphere!

This isn't a "get skinny" kick, this is a get healthy adventure! Join me if you like :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

S'mores Cupcakes

I see s'mores written all over pinterest & I've LOVED s'mores since Girl Scouts.

I asked my boyfriend which dessert to make this week & he chose CUPCAKES, so I concocted some S'mores Cupcakes :)

Yields: 18 cupcakes
Preheat oven to 350°F


  • 4-tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp sugar (or maple syrup... YES the kind you use on your pancakes!)
  • 6 graham cracker bars (I prefer the cinnamon kind)
  1. Crumble the graham crackers & mix all ingredients together
  2. Spoon evenly into 18 cupcake liners
The Cupcake
  • 1 1/2-cup flour
  • 1/2-cup sugar
  • 1/4-cup honey
  • 3/8-cup dark chocolate cocoa powder
  • 3/8-tsp baking soda OR 2-tsp baking powder
  • 1/8-tsp salt
  • 1-cup milk
  • 1- large egg
  • 1/4-cup canola oil
  • 3/8-cup water
  • 1-tbsp vanilla extract or 2-tsp maple syrup
  • OPTIONAL: 1-cup chocolate chips (I recommend chocolate chips for a more chocolatey flavor)
  1. Mix together flour, sugar, honey, cocoa powder, baking soda/powder, and salt
  2. Mix in milk, egg, oil, water, and vanilla extract/maple syrup
  3. BLEND until the consistency of pudding
  4. fold in optional chocolate chips
  5. Pour batter over crumbs
  6. Bake for 20 minutes @ 350°F
The 'mallows
No cupcake is complete without icing & no s'more is complete without marshmallows!
  • 9-large marshmallows
  1. After baking for 20 minutes, place 1/2 of a large marshmallow atop each cupcake
  2. Continue to bake for 2-4 minutes

Happy Baking :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Simple Quiche

Sorry for the break, ranters, but I was busy studying my life away.
Bright side: no more summer school for me! :D
That's enough ado about me though, TO THE BLOGGING!!

I made myself a quiche today!
They're quick & easy and require few recipes and can be modified to whatever your taste is.

Serving Size: 6 (or many snacks!)

Pie Crust:
1-cup flour

1/4-cup vegetable/cooking oil
1/2-tsp salt
1/4-cup ICE water
1/2-tsp garlic salt

Pretty easy, standard recipe from
Here's what to do with it:
  1. Flour 9" pie baking pan
  2. mix flour & Salt
  3. mix in vegetable oil & water
  5. spread evenly (thin-ish) all over pan
  6. Dust with garlic salt
BASIC filling:
3 eggs
2-3 handfuls of cheese (whatever type is your choice, I prefer spicy types)
1/2-cup milk
1-tbsp vegetable oil
1/2-tsp salt
1/2-tsp pepper
1/2-tsp garlic salt

Recommended Additions: (pick 0-all! & modify
1/2 bell pepper
shredded bacon
1/4-cup mushrooms
shredded canadian bacon
red onions
spinach leaves

Filling Directions:

  1. Whip eggs
  2. Mix in cheese (Blend or fork-mix in)
  3. Add seasonings
  4. Mix-in milk & vegetable oil
  5. Mix-in additional ingredients (remember to cook beforehand any meat (& Strain) & boil any veggies)
Baking Instructions:
  1. Pour filling over crust
  2. Bake @ 400°F for 20min
  3. Bake @ 350°F for 10 min
  4. Cool
  5. Enjoy!! :)
You may need to bake longer than the time specified, but you'll know the quiche is done when it's darkening on top & you can stick a toothpick/dinner knife in the center without filling come off of it.